

2017-06-12 14:48

【文/观察者网 肖晟仕】今天中午,微博网友@dzkkk 写了一封公开信,请求所有DOTA玩家的支持。























世界冠军几个月内支离破碎,博主@dzkkk 说道:“ACE联盟的存在,已经与DOTA2在中国的健康发展背道而驰。尽管ACE在成立初期对DOTA2行业的规范起到了一定的正面作用,但最近发生的事件完全暴露出ACE联盟及其内部人员沆瀣一气,法律意识淡薄,已经不具备促进DOTA2在中国良性发展的基本资质与民意基础。”


以下是博主@dzkkk 的原文:

致Gabe Newell先生,Valve,IceFrog的公开信

这是一封来自中国DOTA玩家的信。我们怀着对DOTA2的深厚感情,以及对Valve始终致力于打造电子竞技经典品牌的深刻认同,写下这一封信,并且在新浪微博和Reddit论坛DOTA2专区征集玩家签名,希望Gabe Newell先生、Valve、以及IceFrog能够听到我们的心声。



(1)   职业选手的尊严和法律权利被肆意践踏。


(2)   现有的行业联盟结党营私、恣意妄为、藐视法律。


(3)   普通玩家和观众的感情受到严重伤害。


(4)   长期来看,这些行业乱象会间接伤害到TI赛事。





(1)   在舆论上对受害的选手、俱乐部提供必要的声援,对行业联盟不公正的“裁决”与操纵进行谴责;

(2)   与完美世界和中国政府的体育职能部门展开合作,主导参与规则的制定,确保行业规则既符合相关法律法规的框架,也符合Valve在全球范围内推广DOTA2的战略与决心;

(3)   建立与选手之间更好的沟通机制,引导、教育选手在Valve所欢迎的规则框架内规划自己的职业生涯(比如,Valve可以引导选手在签订劳动合同时,尽量参考Valve规定的TI转会截止日期设定合同期限,避免潜在的劳动纠纷对TI赛事产生干扰);

(4)   通过技术手段继续改良游戏平台,或设计全球统一的第三方赛事集成平台,促进比赛信息的进一步透明化,避免第三方组织对非官方赛事的垄断,避免形成新的垄断霸权组织,促进DOTA2赛事遍地开花,提升DOTA2的全球品牌知名度。





选择成为一名电子竞技职业选手不仅需要高超的技战术水平,还需要背水一战的决心和勇气,成为一名DOTA2选手更是如此。TI插旗是每一名选手的终极梦想,为了实现梦想而努力训练比赛是你们应该做的,但除此之外的不公正待遇则是你们不应该承受的。如果你们曾经感受过在霸权面前的无力,如果你们曾经遭受潜规则或软暴力却无处伸张,如果你们从前一直被迫屈服,那么现在,我们希望通过这份公开信和征集到的签名来告诉你们:有这么多玩家是你们坚实的后盾,如果你们对信中所述感同身受,请你们也私下向Valve表明态度,与玩家们的心声遥相呼应。 相信一个全新的,让选手、俱乐部、行业联盟能够平等对话、共同尊重规则的体系,也是你们希望看到的。


An Open Letter to Mr. Gabe Newell, Valve, and IceFrog

This letter comes from Dota fans in China. Every single word was written with our deepest love for Dota 2 and our profound recognition of Valve’s diligence in creating e-sport classic brands.

As you probably heard already, the Dota 2 community in China has been thrown into a mess over the past few months. Wings Gaming, the champion of TI6, was disbanded due to the groundless and arbitrary law and rule enforcement by the Dota Association of China Esports (hereinafter referred to as "ACE"). Soon after, EHOME was also dismissed. We feel that this system of "hidden rules" and "soft violence" have damaged the professional environment of the Dota 2 scene in China and applied excessive duress on the professional players.

As an organization that is supposed to stabilize the Chinese scene, the ACE has done great damage to our region:

1. The legal rights and dignity of professional players have been overtly violated. It is inconceivable that professional players would suffer retaliation just because they sought legal relief in response to missed payments. Because ACE controls many third-party tournaments and training activities, players have no choice but to yield. This is harmful for the players' ability to train and will deter future talents from joining Dota.

2. ACE has a history of making decisions based on selfish business interests and with extreme contempt of Chinese laws. The victims were Wings Gaming and EHOME this time, but next time, it could be anyone. For Chinese investors, the unpredictable and malicious ruling of the ACE poses high risks and is a deterrent for further investments in the Chinese scene.

3. Although Dota 2 is not the most played esport game, our fans have proving themselves to be highly invested, both emotionally and financially. At the end of the day, what draws us to the game is the incredible dedication and performance of professional players. It pains us as fans to see our beloved players bullied and blackmailed.

4. Our players need a favorable environment for everyday practice and third-party tournaments to hone their minds. Even among the ACE clubs, various forms of bullying never stopped, such as jointly refusing to scrim with particular club(s). Although ACE only has authority over the Chinese region, their effects on our players will trigger upwards to international and Valve events.

We hope that this provides ample evidence that the existence of ACE has been largely detrimental to the development of Chinese Dota. We don't deny the positive impact they had during the early days of the scene, but recent events have shown a deformity of its internal power distribution and lack of balances and checks. It is frustrating to us that ACE continues to disguise itself as the spokesperson and the chief justice of Dota 2 in China.

The length of a professional Dota 2 career is rather short, and the golden age for professional players is exactly when normal teenagers go to high schools and colleges. Therefore, many Dota 2 players do not have chances to receive high-quality education and might not know how to use law to protect themselves. In labor disputes, given that the union system in Dota 2 industry is not well established, players tend to be very vulnerable when confronting industrial hegemony, which has further increased the cost of seeking legal remedy. We understand Valve’s prudence before taking any further steps, and it’s not Valve’s obligation to solve a problem purely generated from the legal loopholes in China. We would like to just propose some suggestions:

1. Support the victim players and clubs through public media, and condemn the unconscionable "judgment" and manipulation by ACE

2. Work along with Perfect World and sports functional departments under Chinese government agencies. Guide the rule-making to make sure the new industrial regulation is consistent to China’s legal system as well as Valve’s strategy for the global promotion of Dota 2;

3. Build better communication channels between Valve and professional players. Guide and educate the players on their gaming careers within the framework acknowledged by Valve (e.g. Valve could guide players to make sure the duration and time-spots of their labor contract are consistent to Valve’s transfer deadline for TI, to minimize the interference on TI by potential labor disputes);

4. Continuously optimize the game client, or design a worldwide unified integration system for third-party tournaments. If the third-party tournaments are uniformly managed with better transparency, we would be able to prevent the non-official games from being monopolized by organizations like ACE. We might even deter future hegemonic organizations from being formed.

Justice is never too late, but justice must be seen to be done. With Valve’s technical capability and strategic acumen, and the effort from visionary people from multiple sectors in China, we will ultimately find out an optimal solution to overcome the problems stated above. Concerning the quality of design, Dota 2 has always been the highest benchmark among all Action Real-time Strategy games. From the perspective of industrial normalization and professional environment, we believe Dota 2 will also become an example.

The beautiful Seattle summer is around the corner. We are eagerly awaiting a fantastic TI7 and we wish you a great success!

Look forward to your response.

All signed Dota 2 fans


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