

2020-08-08 08:26




【导读】 编者按:伦敦当地时间7月25日,一场由多国学者和活动人士自发组织的题为“拒绝新冷战”的在线视频研讨会在多个平台上同步直播。针对美国挑起的新冷战,学者们在会上一致表示,任何形式的新冷战都是完全违背人类的利益,呼吁美国摒弃冷战思维,支持中美在相互对话的基础上建立关系,并致力于人类团结。观察者网也受邀参加此次会议。 本文为“核裁军运动(CND)”秘书长凯特•哈德森(Kate Hudson)在会上发言,观察者网已获授权发布。






我们也看到特朗普的国家安全战略正偏向与俄罗斯和中国发生对抗和冲突。与此同时,他发表了自己的《新核态势评估报告》(New Nuclear Posture Review),其中他谈到了新一代“可使用”核武器。现在,这些新的核武器已经被生产出来并进行了部署。



我很自豪的说,我们与美国的和平运动并肩作战 —— 很高兴看到我们伟大的朋友美迪亚•本杰明(Medea Benjamin)在这里—— 我们与世界各地的所有反战人士并肩作战。与我们英国的盟友一道,尤其是“停止战争联盟”,我们向本国政府施加压力强迫他们改变政策, 不要再懦弱的支持特朗普的战争政策。阻止英国航母前往南海将是一个开始。







理事会决心:根据核裁军运动的宗旨 —— 避免和停止可能动用核武器的战争,就这些问题发起和平运动,并与志同道合的组织合作,使该问题成为国际和平运动优先讨论的话题,以便建立全球范围内的反战联盟。

25 July conference against a new cold war by Kate Hudson, general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

Greetings to this conference from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. And a big thanks to the organisers for bringing this meeting together – particularly with such an important global reach and such depth of analysis from the speakers.

CND is active in the anti-war movement nationally and internationally. We played a central role in the campaign against the war on Iraq in 2003, then against the threat of war on Iran, and all other US targets in the so-called war on terror.

Now we have seen President Trump step up his dangerous policies. He has pulled out of key treaties which have controlled and reduced the threat from nuclear weapons and nuclear war. This is already leading to a new nuclear arms race.

We’ve also seen Trump’s National Security Strategy orientate towards confrontation and conflict with Russia and China. At the same time he published his New Nuclear Posture Review, where he talked about a new generation of ‘usable’ nuclear weapons. Those new nuclear weapons have now been produced and deployed.

If you take these policies together, of conflict with Russia and China, and usable nuclear weapons, then you are looking at a very dangerous situation. You may remember that when Trump was campaigning to get into the White House, he asked Why can’t we use nuclear weapons? Of course it’s because nuclear war will kill us all and threaten the very future of humanity. But I don’t trust Trump to have understood that lesson. I don’t trust his finger on the nuclear button.

CND opposes the cold war on China, and we strongly believe that we must work now, to prevent a hot war, a fighting war, on China. This is the greatest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

I am proud to say that we work alongside peace campaigns in the US – it’s good to see our great friend Medea Benjamin here – and alongside all those across the world fighting against war. Together with our partners in Britain – the Stop the War coalition in particular – we will be putting pressure on our government to change their policy – away from craven support for Trump’s war policies. Stopping the UK aircraft carrier going to the South China Sea will be a start.

I’m pleased to report that this morning, CND National Council voted an emergency motion: to work in the international peace movement to build worldwide opposition to war on China.

We are all, here at this conference, united to stop war on China, and we will work together to that goal. So thank you to everyone involved today. Let’s do everything we can to build this movement, to build it internationally, through all forms of organisation. I look forward to the next steps in this initiative.

Thank you very much.

CND Council Emergency Motion

US-China relations are deteriorating sharply. The situation is becoming highly dangerous, and Trump is fostering a new global Cold War division, and excessive negative media coverage reinforces racial stereotypes, stoking ‘China threat’.

The US government’s increasingly aggressive stance towards China constitutes the most serious threat to world peace.

Council resolves to: campaign on these issues in accordance with its priority commitment to the prevention and cessation of wars in which the nuclear weapons might be used, and work with likeminded organisations to bring the issue to the forefront of debate in the international peace movement to build the worldwide opposition.






