

2011-12-02 11:24




原题: 美国社会运动是星火燎原,而不是痛定思痛

    刘禾按:《痛定思痛:美国社会运动兴衰的秘密》一文给人一个错误的印象,好像事情已经接近尾声,可以总结了。这很误导,因为情况完全不是那样的,星星之火正在燎原,哪里有什么结束的迹象?虽然主流媒体竭力掩盖在我们眼皮子底下发生的事,但占领行动每天都在美国各地发生。从昨天开始,那个让警察镇压学生的UC Davis 的校长正在被舆论(而不是媒体)送上审判台,她恐怕很快被迫辞职。请关注这个戏剧性的发展,它完全抛开了封锁消息的报纸和电视,像病毒般的一夜间传遍全美国,这将让所有打算镇压学生运动的美国大学校长三四再行,看看下面的报道和分析就知道了。

一个历史性的时刻,见以下哥伦比亚大学音乐系助理教授Aaron Fox 的报道和分析。



































I'm writing to make you aware of the disgusting incident of campus police brutality at UC Davis, where the campus cops (in riot gear) on Friday deliberately and severely pepper-sprayed (I prefer "used chemical weapons against") a peaceful, seated group of student demonstrators protesting, primarily, yet another tuition increase at UC? The video is hideous, but worth steeling yourself to watch just to see what "the university" can become when it identifies with or as a law enforcement institution over and against its own students and employees. (As if we needed another example after Penn State.) At least one of these students was hospitalized.


If you're squeamish, a photo I attach below will make the same point. This was outrageous excessive use of force by a campus police force.

Here's the story in the Davis paper:


You can read more about it in the Sacramento Bee article here:


It has now been covered in the NY Times, USA Today, Time Magazine, CBS, CNN, and across the entire mediasphere. The various UC Davis police assault videos have been watched hundreds of thousands of times. Various searches related to UC Davis and pepper spraying were the *top searches on Google* in the US today -- think of what that means. By mid-afternoon, UC Davis had already backed down and the Chancellor had released a damage-controlling and mealy-mouthed promise to investigate. But it was too late.

By monday, millions will know about Lt. Pike and his chemical assault squad, and the $400K per year (plus free housing, travel, and vehicle) Chancellor who gave the order to cut the protesters down to the point that some were hospitalized, and including forcing open students' mouths and spraying directly into them. I kid you not.

And something remarkable happened at Davis tonight. I've been watching the live streams and following the blogs since late this afternoon. It was a very important moment.

Chancellor Katehi was preparing to give a news conference to take another crack at spinning this story and controlling the growing, viral character it has acquired.

UC Davis students showed up in large numbers to this conference, and were kept out of the small building (Surge 2, for those who know the campus) for lack of press passes (ha ha). They surrounded the building and their numbers grew over several hours to over 1000 student protesters. Reports came that Chancellor Katehi was afraid to leave and go through the student protesters, or even that she was being kept from leaving, as if it were a hostage situation. Cops were *not* summoned, however -- or at least they were kept back. UC Davis appears to have learned at least a tactical lesson already.

Through patient OWS style organizing, worked out over dozens of mic checks, they arranged to clear a wide path, determined that they would be silent and respectful when she came out, and sent word that they were not keeping her hostage in the building, just there to call for her resignation. Hours went by as the situation got more and more tense, but the students showed remarkable discipline and organization as their numbers kept growing. Finally, they negotiated with Chancellor Katehi's people and she left the building to walk to her taxpayer-paid $70,000 Lexus SUV with one aide. The students maintained *absolute, total order and silence* -- really, not a word -- and stood aside, except for the couple of journalists asking her questions on the livestream feed. It was eerie and powerful and Chancellor Pepper Spray was clearly feeling the shame of a thousands of eyes on her around the nation (the livestreams were overloaded as they were joined by students across California and then the nation).

Here is the moment of triumph, posted moments ago and already with several hundred views:


Only once she began to pull away did the crowd erupt into a roar: WHOSE UNIVERSITY? OUR UNIVERSITY! dozens of times as they marched off to consume the pizza ordered for them by people around the nation.

It was so powerful -- and remember this all happened on a day when virtually no news (except Demi and Ashton's divorce or the 30 year old Natalie Wood death investigation) gets reported on mainstream outlets. This *all* happened online, and drew a huge national audience in the process, enough so to force a major university into damage control freakout.

You will see much more about this in the coming days. Chancellor Katehi really has no choice but to resign at this point. The Davis faculty association has voted to ask her to resign and condemn her conduct:


And the council of ALL UC faculty associations has condemned the violence, and holds administrators accountable for it:


Full UC-wide faculty association statement below.


"This week, we have seen excessive force used against non-violent protesters at UC Berkeley, UCLA, CSU Long Beach, and UC Davis. Student, faculty and staff protesters have been pepper-sprayed directly in the eyes and mouth, beaten and shoved by batons, dragged by the arms while handcuffed, and submitted to other forms of excessive force. Protesters have been hospitalized because of injuries inflicted during these incidents. The violence was unprovoked, disproportional and excessive.

We are outraged by the excessive and unnecessary force used against peaceful protests.

We are outraged that the administrations of UC campuses are using police brutality to suppress dissent, free speech and peaceful assembly.

We demand that the Chancellors of the University of California cease using police violence to repress non-violent political protests. We hold them responsible for the violence and believe it can only result in an escalation of outrage that holds the potential for even more violence.

Police brutality damages the University's public image, and, more importantly, it damages the climate for free expression at UC. We condemn the assault on the legacy of free speech at the University of California.

We call for greater attention to the substantive issues that motivate the protests regarding the privatization of education. With massive cuts in state funding and rising tuition costs across the community college system, the Cal State network, K-12, and the University of California, public education is undergoing a severe divestment. Student debt has reached unprecedented levels as bank profits swell. We decry the growing privatization and tuition increases that have been the frequent -- and only -- responses of the UC Board of Regents.


The board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations"


Aaron Fox

Associate Professor of Music

Columbia University







